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Health by Science Health Disclaimer

This disclaimer relates specifically to the Health by Science Application. It is a fundamental condition of use that the User agrees to the following Disclaimer Terms outlined herein. Should the User find disagreement with any part of these terms, they are advised against the use of this Application. Utilization of this Application signifies the User’s agreement to be bound by these terms legally.

Certain terms within this disclaimer may echo those found in the Application’s Terms of Service. It is important to note that terms exclusive to this document, while presented within a health context for clarity, carry equal significance.

This Application is developed and provided by:
Health by Science Solutions Ltd.
98 Giles Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6BZ
Owner contact email: [email protected]

Health-Related Terms

The Health by Science Service offers educational content and feedback based on evidence, intended solely for educational and general informational use. By engaging with the Application, the User acknowledges that the feedback and information received do not substitute medical advice or individualized nutritional guidance. This is due to the lack of a physical medical examination, detailed health history, or specific diet review within the service’s process.

The feedback provided is based on the User’s inputs, hence, the Application and its Owners cannot ensure the appropriateness of the feedback for every individual’s health requirements. Similarly, the service does not give explicit advice on food selection, preparation, or detailed micronutrient analysis, leaving the adequacy and safety of the User’s dietary practices solely in their hands.

Health by Science Solutions Ltd. does not function as a medical entity; therefore, our team cannot offer medical consultations or advice. Anything within this Application should not be seen as a medical consultation or specialized nutritional advice. It is imperative to understand that any information or data visualizations within this Application do not replace professional medical advice, assessment, or treatment.

The services provided are available only within jurisdictions where they are lawfully permitted. Information offered by this Application is not exhaustive and relies on available data, which should not be perceived as wholly inclusive or accurate. Users are always encouraged to seek advice from qualified health professionals for any health-related decisions or changes in diet, exercise, or health behavior.

Users with specific nutritional, metabolic, or body image-related health conditions, those undergoing medication, pregnant, or breastfeeding women are strongly advised to consult with healthcare professionals before and during the use of this Application.

The Application aims to cater to healthy adults, adhering to specified height and weight criteria. Users agree to absolve Health by Science, Health by Science Solutions Ltd., and its stakeholders from liability related to injuries or damages that may arise from the Application’s use.

Assumption of Risk

Users must acknowledge and agree that they understand the inherent risks involved with altering dietary habits, body weight, and exercise routines. Acceptance and assumption of these risks and any unforeseen risks are the User’s responsibility during the use of this Application.
By using the Application, Users signify their complete and irrevocable acceptance of these Disclaimer Terms.

Definitions and Legal References

This Application (or “This Application”): Refers to the Health by Science service platform.

Agreement: The legally binding or contractual relationship between the Application Owner and the User, governed by these Disclaimer Terms.

Disclaimer Terms: The conditions outlined herein for the use of this Application and/or Service, subject to amendments over time.

Owner: Health by Science Solutions Ltd. and its associated personnel.

Service: The provision of services as described in this document and on the Application platform.

User (or “You”): Any individual or entity engaging with this Application.
Latest update: April 15, 2024.